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New Pages: Southside and Southside Fizz

Spring has sprung, finally! My first warm weather cocktail pages of the year feature two close relatives: the Southside Fizz and the Southside. The Southside Fizz is basically a gin Mojito with muddled cucumber and the most refreshing cocktail I know. I’m not kidding, if I had to pick one, this would be it. The Southside is a modern variant with no “fizz” (soda water) or cucumber and is served straight up like a Gimlet, so it offers more bracing to-the-point refreshment. It all depends on your mood.

A third cocktail called an Eastside also fits into this story, this is a Southside plus cucumber. Confused? That why I didn’t give the Eastside its own page, the variances are so slight. Though I did go into the details of each drink’s history and how they are linked together on the Southside Fizz page, along with why I think cucumber is the bacon of the cocktail world.

Check out the Southside Fizz and the Southside pages!

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